Helping students and their families find Best Fit Universities
Next Level College Application was born from the idea that applying to college is scary and often families don't have the help they need to navigate the process and make the best decisions possible. We believe that this help should be available and affordable since choosing a college is a significant life choice.

A Family Project
Kari is the College Counselor and Drew is the helpful nerd. Our experiences as parents (two girls at university) helped raise our awareness of how complicated the process is and how helpful our expertise can be. We have been married for nearly 25 years and are keen to keep this business small and personalized. We will add Counselors as needed to assist but we have personal relationships with everyone we work with. This helps us guarantee a high level of professional knowledge and caring for our clients.
How We Can Help
We offer a range of services and price points that can match virtually any need and budget. Complete a Contact Form and we will schedule a meeting to see how we can help you best in the college application process.