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Applying to university is stressful.

Some of the obstacles in your way include:
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38 Minutes

The average US  high school student receives only 38 minutes of university counseling during their FOUR YEARS of high school.


400 to 1

The ratio of students to university counselors in the US is 400 to 1.  How can you possibly get all the help you need? 



In the U.S. there are 2,832 four year universities.  With so many choices how can you know which are the best fit for you?

The Three Steps

to take your college application to the Next Level.

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Take a look at Our Services.  See which services are the best match.

Schedule a one-on-one Meeting with a Counselor.

Design a plan that meets your exact needs.

A La Carte or Packages?

Personalized College Counseling 

Choosing and applying to universities is an important yet scary process.  There are so many different deadlines and processes to navigate.  It is  often the root of much stress, conflict and hurt feelings within families.  Having a facilitator to help parents and their children align goals and expectations and create a successful plan will reduce anxiety and make their Senior year more enjoyable and peaceful.

Our consultants use their experience in International High Schools to specialize in helping students from around the world find their Best-Fit University.  As working University Counselors we only work with a few  clients at a time.  There is no ‘Shopping Cart’ to purchase services; you meet with a real person and have a real conversation before making any purchase.  This ensures you get the most accurate, individualized attention you need during this stressful time.

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Next Level College Application, LLC

Eugene, Oregon USA
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

©2022 by Next Level College Application, LLC

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